HSBN Scholarship Essay Entry: Colin Thomas

Colin had an ERA of 1.75 when his season was cut short.
Colin Thomas, #1, from the Dwyer Panthers, is a pitcher that graduates with the class of 2020. Colin had an ERA of 1.75 when his season was cut short. He gave us some insight into what the past few months have meant to him.
BASEBALL. To most, that word may mean just a sport, but to me and to my teammates it means a lifestyle, a family, a home away from home. On Friday, March 13th, that home was dragged away from us leaving us without a senior season.
Baseball has blessed me with many memories and unbelievable experiences, but most importantly has instilled in me a work ethic and a will to push on. And in a time like this that trait comes in handy.
Athletes work day in and day out from the time they can first walk, to become great. Every athlete’s goal is to make it as far as they possibly can, whether that be high school, college, or even professionally. For some, that goal changes once they’re done with high school, that goal shifts towards making a name for themselves in another way whether that way is becoming a lawyer, a doctor, or whatever else they set their mind to.
For those athletes, their senior year is their last run at greatness. Not getting the chance to play their final season as a senior must be heartbreaking. My thoughts and my prayers go out to everyone affected by this disaster, and I understand that the main concern as of now is safety, but another concern is making senior year less tragic for students and student athletes all over the world who, some, are missing out on their last chance to be able to give it all they’ve got into the sport they love, alongside their brothers.
Fortunately I have been blessed with the opportunity to continue my baseball career at the collegiate level, but for some this year was their last year to enjoy the game they love and experience the memories that come with it. As I said earlier, to me and my teammates baseball was a lifestyle, it was a family, it was our home away from home.
Baseball isn’t just about what goes on in the dugout or on the field, it’s also about making a brotherhood and that brotherhood extends far past the white lines. That brotherhood extends into the classroom, into our weekend adventures, helping each other in classes, spending time with each other outside of baseball. This family has been torn apart.
Even at this moment while I sit here distraught, writing this, I am still in disbelief that this last opportunity to give it all I’ve got for the Panthers is gone. However, with that said, there is only one thing that I can do now. That is to prepare myself for the next chapter.
As all gyms and fields are closed due to this tragic situation, it is hard sometimes to find ways to get better, but as long as you want to be the best, you can find things to do anywhere, anytime to better yourself in the classroom and on the field. I myself do not plan to let this horrible, disastrous situation bring me down and, coming from someone who has played baseball almost my entire life, I know that the entire baseball community will not let this tragedy bring us down.
As I stated earlier, baseball has forced me to develop a strong work ethic and will to push on. I have given the Panthers my absolute best effort for the last four years and I plan to do that for Rollins College as well. I know that no matter what we face, what obstacles get in our way, we, as a baseball community may be bent, but we will not be broken.
I would like to personally say to all the senior ball players out there, I truly know what your feeling and how hurt you may be, but keep pushing, keep fighting and we will all get through this together because that togetherness and group effort is what baseball is all about.
Written on my pitching glove is the bible verse Jeremiah 29:11. This verse states,
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
I truly believe that what is going on in the world right now is just an obstacle in God’s path for our greatness. It is our jobs to get over that obstacle and to keep pushing, keep striving for greatness because baseball has allowed all of us to learn that in life sometimes your going to strike out, but you must move on and focus on that next at-bat.
There’s strikeouts in life but there’s also plenty of homers. So as a baseball community lets all try our best to take this strikeout as an opportunity to get better and aim for that home run.
Editors Note: Seniors wanting to enter the competition, follow the link below:
HSBN Senior Essay Scholarship Competition