Jensen Beach Walks-Off Centennial 1-0 In 12 Innings
It took nearly the length of two full high school baseball games to decide the outcome, but finally, in the twelfth inning, host Jensen Beach walked-off to a 1-0 victory over Centennial on Wednesday night. Jacob Winger crossed home for the lone run after reaching on a double to start the bottom of the twelfth.
Pitching took center stage, as ten total pitchers combined to share the hill, with each side using five different arms. The Falcons recorded 16 strikeouts as a group, led by Dillon Moran’s seven strikeouts. The Eagles amassed an impressive 19 strikeouts, with Austin Hillier punching out eight and Nathan Hinkley striking out nine.
Hits were tough to come by for either side. Ryan Rivera had two doubles to account for two-thirds of the Falcons’ offense, and he was the only player to record a multi-hit night.